Thursday, March 24, 2011

Floating Gardens

Finally it is the season for planting gardens and flowers! Although I am still working on obtaining a green thumb (sadly my indoor herb garden didn't survive the winter) I love gardens, and gardening. I feel that everyone should try gardening at least once in their life. There is something truly special about caring for plants and watching them grow. It is incredibly rewarding.

One problem that seems to get in the way of gardening for people my age is lacking sufficient space. I found a brilliant solution to this problem on Fossil's lifestyle blog. Fedor van der Valk has created a space saving, urban-friendly, and gorgeous garden technique called string gardens.

I am looking forward to making my own string garden. Although I know I will not have time to do so until after the semester is over. I am simply too crunched for time now, and I have a feeling it is going to take me a few attempts before I get it right. None the less, I welcome the challenge and look forward to the results. :)


1 comment:

Shelby said...

Those are awesome! I want to make one... although I am in the same boat I have NO time until after the semester is over :)