Monday, March 14, 2011

My Favorite "Lullaband" (Name Courtesy of Kurt Beard)

This post is for Scott, Emily, and Ciera some of the coolest people I've met. Thanks for the music guys.

I remember the first time I heard Book on Tape Worm perform almost a year ago. When Scott, with his ambient vocals, began to sing I was swept away. The words and melodies reflected all of my darkest secrets; my insecurities, pains, regrets, and hopes. I know that the music is his personal story, yet I cannot help but feel when I listen to their band that no one knows me better than Scott Shepard.

Finally (after much arm twisting) the band has announced that they’re recording an album! To fund the project they have started a Kickstarter page. After one performance on Saturday they have almost raised half the money needed! Woo-hoo!

Together, Scott, Ciera, and Emily make a good team. Their stage set is always really neat too. Look into this band if you have a moment.  If you like what you hear become a fan on Facebook or look at their website: To raise awareness for their new album, this month is "blog about Book on Tape Worm month" (as if I needed a reason to write about them) so to further contribute I will post more videos of the group on this blog. Here are two for now, enjoy :).

The song in this last video, "Corners", is one of my favorites. It is beautiful.

"I'm not photogenic, but I'll take your pictures love, You'll see I'll be the finger in the corner of your favorite memories."

"Growing old is the slowest form of time travel."

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