Saturday, March 5, 2011

Reflections: Feb 20th-26th

I spent the majority of last week being sick. So I will skip most of the details (you are welcome) and write about the only good day, Saturday.

Saturday the 26th was very fun and very French!

During the day I got a ton of work done and in the evening I went over to my friend Ian's house and he and I made brie in puff pastry! I was a little nervous at first (due to the mold on the outside of the cheese) but I am glad that I tried it. It was actually really tasty! After we cooked and ate the Brie with French bread we watched the movie Amelie. It was an excellent film! One of my new favorites! :)

After that I went and saw one of my favorite local bands Ferocious Oaks play a show to promote their EP release. They were brilliant as ever.

With a new cd, a new taste for moldy cheese, and a new favorite flick I felt a little richer after Saturday.

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